When you want to make a perfect Basmati rice, the only thing you need to make sure is the Basmati Rice ratio to water.
If you can get this ratio right, everything else becomes a lot easier while cooking the rice.
And if you fail, it becomes a difficult task to fix the mushy or uncooked rice again.
Hence, I thought I should address this issue once and for all in this guide.
In the following guide, you will find detailed information on the rice to ratio as well as some additional useful tips for the rice making process.
What Is The Basmati Rice Ratio To Water?
The Basmati Rice to Water ratio is 1:1.5.
You can also go for the 1:1.75 ratio.
Both the ratios work quite well for the absorption method of rice cooking.
For those who don’t understand this ratio, you need 1.5 cups of water for every 1 cup of Basmati rice.
And as I stated earlier, you can also increase the water quantity to 1.75, i.e., a 1-3/4th cup of water.
But don’t go beyond this Basmati rice to water ratio.
Otherwise, the rice would turn mushy and sticky, and it’d be hard to use it for your rice preparations.
For Instant Pot
The Instant Pot is quite similar to traditional pressure cookers.
And therefore, you can follow the same rice to water ratio while cooking Basmati rice in your Instant Pot.
To be more specific, use the 1:1.5 ratio for pressure cooking the rice in this electric cooker.
You may also try the 1:1.25 Basmati rice ratio to water.
It is more useful if you don’t like fluffy rice, and it can also be used for making stir-fry dishes.
Besides, if you are new to rice cooking, I suggest you read the following section.
You will learn more useful information on this rice to water ratio.
Note – Do not let the cooked rice rest in the Instant Pot for a long time.
If you allow it to sit there, the cooking process will continue to take place even after you switch off the flame.
Thus, take the rice out and let it cool down at room temperature.
Things To Remember While Using The Basmati Rice Ratio
Even though the process seems quite simple with this ratio, you can go wrong at times.
So, here’s how you should use this rice to water ratio for better results –
1. Check the water level
When you cook Basmati rice in the pressure cooker, you should always check the water level in the pot.
It should always be half-inch above the rice surface.
You can use your index finger to check this level in the pot.
If you feel there is more water than required, you should remove it before steaming the rice.
2. Rice Quality
Rice quality can also play a crucial role in cooking Basmati rice.
Many rice brands offer cooking instructions on their packages.
You can refer to this information before preparing the rice.
And as suggested on the package, you can adjust the water content in the steamer pot.
3. The age of Basmati Rice
The age factor becomes essential when you are using Basmati rice for Biryanis or similar dishes.
Generally, in India, we use 1-year old Basmati rice for such preparations.
And of course, you can also use 2-year or 3-year old varieties.
The reason why it becomes so important to know the age of your rice is the water absorption capacity of rice grains changes with its age.
As the rice ages more, it tends to lose more moisture from it.
So, if you are using aged rice, make sure you add a little more amount of water to the cooking container or pot.
Alternatively, you can soak the rice in water for at least 15-30 minutes before cooking.
The soaking process helps in increasing the water content in the grains.
It eventually works in favor of you, as the soaked grains cook faster in the boiling water.
Hence, it’s quite necessary to know the age of your rice grains, especially when you are preparing them using the rice to water ratio technique.
4. Trial and Error
Always use the trial and error method when it comes to the Basmati rice ratio to water.
Yes, these ratios are not perfect.
And you will experience it while preparing the rice at home.
These ratios are only for the guidance, and they often give you a general understanding of the quantity of water you may require for the rice preparation.
So, make sure you use them wisely.
Although the ratios do work most of the time, don’t rely on them entirely.
You need to find the right balance between water and rice.
But why am I suggesting this trial and error method?
The reason is there are so many factors involved in the process of making perfect rice.
You can read the following section, where I have shared a few personal thoughts on such rice to water ratios.
My Experience With Rice Ratios
In my cooking journey, I have come across many such ratios to cook different types of rice.
But, to be honest, I don’t rely on the rice to water ratio whenever I cook Basmati rice or any other type of rice.
Here’s why –
Each rice variety comes with a unique set of properties.
Some of them absorb more water, whereas other varieties cook well in less water.
And it becomes really confusing to remember these ratios all the time.
So, here’s what I do –
I simply use the 1/2 inch rule that I have shared earlier in this guide.
It works every time!
And it eliminates the need for remembering different ratios.
Also, it’s important to note that I only use this pressure cooking method for other varieties of rice.
I rarely cook Basmati rice using the absorption method.
Generally, I cook it separately in a pot with the addition of some spices and flavoring ingredients.
This alternate method doesn’t require you to follow a specific ratio in the process.
Here, you only need to know the right time to remove the grains from the boiling water.
You can learn more about this technique in my guide on how to make rice fluffy and not sticky.
6 Tips To Make Perfect Basmati Rice Using Rice To Water Ratio
In this section, I want to share a few tips for beginners.
So, if you’re not a pro at rice cooking, these tips will surely help in increasing your knowledge.
1. Use the same cup for adding rice and water to the steamer pot.
That’s right!
It makes the job a whole lot simpler, and you also make fewer mistakes during the process.
If you use different cups or any other tool, the measurement and ratio will go wrong.
And you will end up making a Khichdi or undercooked rice.
2. Use Oil and Lemon Juice
Both of these ingredients play a prominent role in rice cooking.
If you add a teaspoon of oil to the rice, it will help separate the grains in the end.
Similarly, if you add a teaspoon of Lemon juice, it will remove the impurities from the grains.
You can read more about it in my rice guide.
3. Use less water for Biryani rice
When you are making Biryani rice using the above ratio, you can reduce the amount of water by a few milliliters.
It will help in getting the right texture to your rice, which is quite significant in Biryanis.
Also, if the rice remains a little undercooked, there is no need to worry at all.
You can fix this rice by using the Dum cooking technique.
Quick Tip – Do sprinkle some water on top of the steamed rice, as it will help in cooking it further during the Dum process.
4. Soaked Basmati rice cooks faster
As mentioned earlier, the soaked Basmati rice always retains more water content.
Hence, it reduces the overall cooking time as well.
So, if you have soaked the grains for 30 minutes or so, don’t forget to adjust the cooking time accordingly.
And yes, do not allow it to rest in the pot after cooking is over.
5. Don’t Forget To Add Some Salt!
Salt is an essential ingredient in Indian cuisine.
It brings taste to the dishes as well as enhances the flavors of some ingredients.
So, whenever you are making savory rice dishes, add a pinch of salt to it.
6. Smell The Aroma
The easiest way to know your Basmati rice is cooked is to smell the aromas.
If it is cooked well, it will release a unique fragrance that will spread all across your house.
Most Basmati rice varieties have a sweet and pleasant aroma to them.
Hence, it is a good indication to know when the rice is ready.
In this section, I have tried to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by the readers.
You can read this section to get more information on this topic.
Alright, let’s begin!
Yes, this variety of rice does take a little longer to cook than short-grain rice.
However, you can speed up the cooking process by soaking the rice for at least 15-30 minutes or so.
In general, it doesn’t require more water to cook.
But if you are making a Porridge or Kheer, you can add more water for extra softness.
It depends on two things, i.e., Rice quality and water content in your pressure cooker container.
If you’re using new or inferior quality of rice, you may end up getting the mushy and broken-rice texture.
Similarly, if you add more water in the container, it will turn mushy.
Hence, it’s necessary to use the rice to water ratio mentioned in the guide above.
The soaking process helps in increasing the water content in the grains.
When the grains are soaked up, it becomes easy to cook them faster.
This process also helps in eliminating the soaking process that takes place inside the steaming container.
Over To You
Well, I hope you got the answers to some of the questions in your mind.
If you are still confused or have any specific questions related to this topic, do let me know in the comments section below.
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